June 28, 2024
Contact: Paige Censale, pcensale@haitianbridge.org 

(Kreyòl ayisyen anba a)

San Diego, California – Haitian Bridge Alliance (HBA) commends the Biden-Harris administration’s action to extend and redesignate Haiti for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). This vital decision provides much-needed relief and stability to thousands of Haitians who have sought refuge in the United States. We thank our partners, advocates, members of Congress, all other elected officials, and brave impacted community members for urging the administration to take this crucial step. 

It was a long fought battle. In March, HBA and 481 immigration, human rights, faith-based, and civil rights organizations sent a letter to the Biden administration urging the extension and redesignation of Haiti for TPS and a moratorium on deportations. In May, we raised our voices in Washington, DC and collaborated with Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, CBC and the Haitian caucus for a congressional press conference. In June, we gathered several videos from TPS holders whose lives and families, like many others in this country, are at risk if TPS is not redesignated and extended. This doesn’t just happen. It is the result of organized, courageous community members and allies turning this dream into reality.

As we celebrate TPS Extension redesignation, we encourage the Biden administration to take the natural next step to cease deportation flights to Haiti immediately. By accepting these deportation flights, the state of Haiti knowingly condemns the most vulnerable due to imminent danger. Deportations to Haiti from the United States are intentional violence and blatant disregard for Haitian lives and deeply rooted in anti-Black discrimination.

Guerline Jozef, Executive Director of Haitian Bridge Alliance, released the following statement:

“Extending and redesignating TPS is the right course of action considering that TPS-eligible individuals contribute nearly $31 billion annually to the U.S. economy. Haitian TPS recipients contribute $4.4 billion to the American economy in 2022. However, this is only a temporary measure. I call on the U.S. Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform that would create a pathway to permanent protection for all TPS recipients. A long-term solution is urgently needed to provide stability and security for these individuals who have already proven to be vital members of our communities and economy. It’s time for our leaders to recognize their contributions and ensure they have the opportunity to integrate and thrive in the United States fully.”

The country is faced with a humanitarian and insecurity crisis where more than 1,100 people have been killed, injured, or kidnapped in Haiti, where gangs now still control 80 percent of the capital, Port-au-Prince. Armed groups use sexual assault and rape to terrorize the population, blocking trade and aid routes, and shutting down schools. Criminal groups have cut off access to food, clean water, health care, and electricity. Half the country eats just one meal a day, three million children need immediate humanitarian aid, and the conflict is spreading north to Haiti’s breadbasket, threatening the food supply for the entire country.

While we applaud the administration’s redesignation, we also urge the administration to:

  1. Halt all deportations/repatriations by land, sea or air to Haiti.
  2. Immediately release detained Haitians, support administrative closure of removal cases.
  3. Expedite processing for the Haitian Family Reunification Program and the Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans (CHNV) parole program
  4. Ensure U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issues a new Federal Register Notice extending TPS work authorization for current TPS holders well before August 4, 2024, to avoid disruption of employment eligibility. 
  5. Reconsider sending of Haitian nationals to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
  6. Support strong and sustainable infrastructure in Haiti, including agriculture, education, healthcare, modern roads, and other constructions and economic development for Haitians to thrive in Haiti. 
  7. Reconsider foreign policy that leads to the further destabilization of the country, thus increasing irregular migration.
  8. We also call for swift actions for communities and countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Honduras many other who are in dire need of TPS


28 JEN 2024
Moun pou Kontakte: Paige Censale, pcensale@haitianbridge.org

San Diego, Califonrnia – Haitian Bridge Alliance bat bravo pou gouvènman Biden Harris la pou aksyon yo pran pou redeziye epi alonje TPS pou Ayiti. Desizyon enpòtan sa bay yon gwo soulajman ak estabilite pou dè milye ayisyen ki te vin chèche refij Ozetazini. Nou remèsye tout patnè nou yo, militan, manm kongrè epi lòt otorite ki pase nan eleksyon epi manm brav nan kominote yo ki konsène pa sityasyon sa ki te mande gouvènman an pou franchi etap enpotan sa.

Se te yon konba manch long depi lè òganizasyon nou Haitian Bridge Alliance te mete ansanm ak 481 lòt oganizasyon migran, dwa moun, relijye ak dwa sivil te siyen lèt voye bay gouvènman Biden nan pou mande prese prese pou lonje epi redeziye TPS pou Ayiti epi kanpe sou zafè depotasyon yo. Nan mwa me, nou te leve vwa nou nan Washington DC, epi kolabore ansanm ak Depite Ayanna Pressley nan yon konferans deprès palemantè. Nan mwa Jen, nou te ranmase videyo ki soti nan eksperyans lavi moun ki gen TPS ki eksplike jan gen gwo kè kase sou lavi yo ak lavi fanmi yo si TPS pa ta redeziye epi alonje. Viktwa sa pa rive konsa konsa. Se rezilta travay manm nan kominote yo ki plen kouraj epi alye ki mete men pou fè rèv sa tounen reyalite.

Pandan n ap selebre extansyon ak redeziyasyon TPS la, nou ankouraje gouvènman Biden nan pran lòt etap ki nòmal la ki se kanpe imedyatman vòl depotasyon ayisyen yo. Lè peyi dAyiti aksepte resevwa vòl depòtasyon sa yo,li chwazi mete yon malè pandye sou tèt moun sa yo ki vilnerab. Depòte ayisyen ki Etazini pou voye tounen Ayiti se yon fòm vyolans kalikile ki pa fè ka enpòtans lavi ayisyen eki makonnen nan fòm diskriminasyon ki sible moun ki gen koulè po nwa.

Guerline Josef ki se Direktris Ekzekitif Haitian Bridge Alliance fè soti nòt sa pou di:
“Alonj ak redeziyasyon TPS se ekzakteman bon jan aksyon ki dwe pran, lè nou konnen jan moun ki elijib pou TPS yo kontribye prèske 31 milya dola chak ane nan ekonomi ameriken an. Ayisyen ki gen TPS te kontribye 4.4 milya dola nan ekonomi ameriken an nan lane 2022. Malgre tou sa, desizyon sa toujou bay pou yon bout tan tou kout. Mwen mande kongrè Etazini a pou pran lwa ki fè yon refòm laj nan imigrasyon pou ka kreye posibilite pou moun ki gen TPS yo jwenn bon jan pwoteksyon san bout. Yon solisyon ki ap dire lontan nesesè an ijans pou pote sekirite ak estabilite pou moun sa yo ki bay bon jan prèv yo se poto mitan nan kominote nou an ak nan ekonomi an.”

Li tan pou otorite nan peyi Etazini rekonèt kontribisysin yo epi aranje yo pou bay moun sa yo opòtinite pou entegre epi reyisi nan tout nivo Ozetazini

Peyi dAyiti ap fè fas ak yon kriz imanitè epi sekirite ki lakoz plis pase 1100 moun deja mouri, blese oubyen kidnape epi gang yo kontwole plis pase 80 pousan nan kapital Potoprens la. Gwoup ame yo itilize atak seksyel ak kadejak pou simen laterè sou popilasyon an. Yo bloke wout pou èd pase epi pou aktivite komès epi kanpe fonksyonnman lekòl. Gwoup kriminèl sa yo anpeche moun jwenn manje, dlo pou bwè epi swen sante ak elektrisite. Mwatye moun nan peyi a sèlman manje yon sel fwa pa jou epi 3 milyon timoun nan nesesite imanitè ijan. Konfli a kontinye ap gaye nan zòn nò peyi a ki se kote ki pwodwi pifò manje pou peyi a ki lakoz gwo menas sou jan tout peyi a pra l rive jwenn manje.”

Pandan n ap aplodi gouvènman an ki redeziye TPS la, nou pa p sispann mande yo pou yo pran desizyon sa yo:

1- Kanpe tout depòtasyon ak raptriman ki ap fèt sou tè, sou lanmè ak nan avyon pou ayisyen ki soti Ayiti.
2. Lage tout ayisyen ki nan detansyon yo epi deside kanpe tout desizyon tribunal ki mande voye ayisyen tounen Ayiti.
3- fè dosye pwogram reyinifikasyon familyal yo ak pwogram pawòl yo avanse pi rapid pou ayisyen, kiben ak venezwelyen epi nikaragweyen.
4- Pou evite dat ekspirasyon kat travay yo pa afekte moun ki genyen yo, asire ke USCIS soti yon anons federal ki etann otorizasyon travay pou moun ki gen TPS depi avan 4 out 2024 yo, pou evite moun sa yo pa pèdi dwa yo pou kontinye travay.
5- Rekonsidere zafè voye ayisyen ale nan Guantanamo bay nan Kiba
6- Ede nan mete sou pye bon jan enfrastrikti solid n ki ka dire lontan an Ayiti, ki gen ladann agrikilti, edikasyon, bon wout modèn epi lòt kalite kontriksyon ak devlopman ekonomik ki ka pèmèt pèp ayisyen pou ka viv epi reyisi nan peyi dAyiti.
7-Rekonsidere politik etranjè ki lakoz destabilizasyon peyi dAyiti ki apre mennen nan ogmantasyon kantite moun ki deside kite peyi a nan move kondisyon.
8- Nou mande Sekretè Mayorkas avek gouveman Bidean-Harris la pou yo pran aksyon ki nesese pou lot kominot avek peyi  tankou Repiblik Demokratik Congo epi Honduras ki bezwen TPS tou